Analog Gamer Magazine
Fictional magazine layout and cover
School Project at UMUC, CMST 310 Fundamentals of Electronic Publishing, Spring 2017
School Project at UMUC, CMST 310 Fundamentals of Electronic Publishing, Spring 2017
Analog Gamer is the concept for a magazine about tabletop games (board games, card games, dice games, and tabletop war simulation games) and those who play them. The audience for my magazine is fun-loving, novelty-seeking, and curious, so I wanted to choose a title they would identify with. There is a hexagon behind the name, which creates a logotype. To this audience, a hexagon might bring to mind a D7 (certain shaped die), or a tile used in a game such as the classic, Settlers of Catan.

I chose the color scheme (blue, red, green, and yellow) from the most frequent colors found in player pawns. These colors are bright and reminiscent of childhood, which helps to prime readers for the desire for amusement. Likewise, the typefaces were selected to evoke a sense of whimsy, especially Variex OT, the font used for the magazine title.